Cookie PolicyThe website uses cookies. The following information is intended to provide the user with more details about the placement, use and administration of cookies used by the website If you need more information, and they are not found below, you can contact us at the email address Please read the following information carefully: This website can use both its own cookies and those from third parties, in order to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services adapted to everyone's needs and interests.
Since we respect your right to privacy, you can opt to block certain types of cookies from this site. Cookies play an important role in facilitating access and the delivery of multiple services that the user enjoys on the Internet, such as:
• Customization of certain settings such as: the language in which a site is viewed, the currency in which express certain prices or tariffs, keeping options for various products (measurements, other details, etc.) in the shopping cart (and memorizing these options), saving certain preferences for future reuse.
• Cookies offer website owners a valuable feedback on how their sites are used by users, so that they can make them even more efficient and more accessible.
• Allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included in a certain site to create a more valuable, useful and pleasant browsing experience.
• Improve the effectiveness of online advertising.
What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, which will be stored on the computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user from which the Internet is accessed. The cookie is installed by the request issued by a web- server of a browser (ex: Chrome, Firefox) and is completely "passive" (does not contain software programs, viruses or spyware and cannot access information on the user's hard drive). A cookie consists of 2 parts: the name and the content or the value of the cookie. Moreover, the duration of existence of a cookie is determined; technically, only the web server that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the website associated with the respective web server. The cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in in most cases, it does not personally identify Internet users.
There are 2 large categories of cookies:
• Session cookies - these are temporarily stored in the cookies file of the web browser so that it remembers them until the user closes the browser window or logs out from the respective website
• Persistent Cookies - These are stored on the hard drive of a computer or equipment (and generally depends on the preset lifetime for the cookie). Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is visiting at the time - known as 'third party cookies' - which can be used anonymously to remember a user's preferences.
What are the advantages of cookies?
A cookie contains information that connects a web-browser (the user) and a specific web-server (the website). If a browser accesses that web-server again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many websites to offer comfortable services to users: eg - online privacy preferences, website language options, shopping baskets or relevant advertising.
What is the lifetime of a cookie?
Cookies are managed by web servers. The lifetime of a cookie can vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are used exclusively for a single session (session cookies) and are no longer retained once the user has left the website and some cookies are retained and reused each time the user returns to that website ( permanent cookies). However, cookies can be deleted by a user at any time through the browser settings.
What are cookies placed by third parties?
Certain sections of content on some sites may be provided through third parties/providers (eg: a video, an advertisement, a chat application, etc.). These third parties can also place cookies through the website and they are called "third party cookies" because they are not placed by the owner of the respective website. Third-party providers must also comply with the law in force and the privacy policies of the website owner.
How cookies are used by this site
Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support our efforts to provide comfortable services to users through functionalities such as online privacy preferences, the shopping cart or relevant advertising. They are also used in the preparation of aggregate anonymous statistics that help us understand how a user benefits from our web pages, allowing us to improve their structure and content, excluding the personal identification of the user. A visit to this site may place the following types of cookies:
• Essential cookies
• Performance cookies
• Social media and advertising cookies
Certain cookies, such as performance or social media and advertising cookies, may come from third parties.
Essential cookies
These cookies allow both the saving of preferences regarding the other types of cookies used, as well as the access to the basic functionalities of this site. They retain the user's preferences on this site, so that there is no longer a need to set them every time you visit website. Registration cookies are generated when a user registers on this site, with the aim of informing us later if he is registered or not. Our servers use these cookies to show us the account you are registered with and to give you an easier experience interacting with the site. Other cookies we place to allow you to use the site optimally are the cookies corresponding to the shopping cart and Favorites lists (with the purpose of saving the information related to the products you have added to the cart or as Favorites), location cookies (used to determine your location according of IP, with the aim of pre-filling certain fields necessary for registration or placing orders), session cookies generated upon access and automatically deleted when the browser is closed (required for the operation of the HTTP protocol, completion of certain forms, interaction with certain elements from the website, etc.), cookies that recognize the type of terminal used - desktop or mobile, chat application cookies that allow real-time discussions with the relationship service with the customers.
Performance cookies
They include both cookies from traffic analysis services, as well as cookies placed by certain third-party services that offer complementary functionalities to the site. Traffic analysis cookies allow the aggregate measurement of site traffic , the identification of traffic sources, provides information about the most visited or least accessed pages, as well as how users interact with the site. The listed information is collected in aggregate and by default completely anonymous. These cookies may come from third parties such as Web Analytics services (Ex: Google Analytics).
Social media and advertising cookies
They can be placed through the site by the social media or advertising services we use. This type of cookies can be used by these services to determine a certain profile of the visitors and to show you messages relevant advertising on other sites you visit. They may come from third parties such as advertising services (Ex: AdSense, AdWords), social media platforms (Ex: Facebook, Twitter), etc. Due to the way of use , this site cannot access these third-party cookies, just as third parties cannot access the cookies owned by this site. For example, when you share an article using the social network button on this site, that social network will record your activity.
What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies?
Cookies store information in a small text file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The web server recognizes your browser until the cookie expires or is deleted. The cookie stores important information that improves the Internet browsing experience (eg: keeping a user logged in to his user account; keeping products in the shopping cart; keeping products in the list of Favorites).
Why are cookies important to the Internet?
Cookies represent the central point of the efficient functioning of the Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience adapted to the preferences and interests of each user. Rejecting or disabling cookies can make it difficult to use a site. Rejecting or disabling cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive online advertising - but only that it will no longer be able to take into account your preferences and interests, highlighted by browsing behavior.
Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require the authentication of a user through an account):
Content and services adapted to the user's preferences - categories of news, weather, sports, maps, public and government services, entertainment sites and travel services. Offers adapted to user interests - retention of passwords, language preferences (Ex: display of search results in Romanian). Retention of child protection filters regarding Internet content (family mode options, safe search functions). Limiting the frequency of broadcasting of advertisements - limiting the number of ad impressions for a certain user on a website. Providing advertising more relevant to the user. Measurement, optimization and analytics features - such as confirming a certain level of traffic on a website, what type of content is viewed and how a user arrives at a website (eg through search engines, directly, from other websites, etc.). The websites carry out these analyzes of their use in order to improve the sites for the benefit of the users.
Security and privacy issues
Cookie-urile folosesc formate tip plain text. Nu sunt alcatuite din bucati de cod asa ca nu pot fi executate nici nu pot auto-rula. In consecinta, nu se pot duplica sau replica pe alte retele pentru a se rula sau replica din nou. Cookie-urile pot fi totusi folosite pentru scopuri negative. Deoarece stocheaza informatii despre preferintele si istoricul de navigare al utilizatorilor, atat pe un anume site cat si pe mai multe alte siteuri, cookieurile pot fi folosite ca o forma de Spyware. Multe produse anti-spyware sunt constiente de acest fapt si in mod constant marcheaza cookie-urile pentru a fi sterse in cadrul procedurilor de stergere/scanare anti-virus/anti-spyware.In general browserele au integrate setari de confidentialitate care furnizeaza diferite nivele de acceptare a cookie-urilor, perioada de valabilitate si stergere automata dupa ce utilizatorul a vizitat un anumit site. Alte aspecte de securitate legate de cookie-uriDeoarece protectia identitatii este foarte valoroasa si reprezinta dreptul fiecarui utilizator de internet, este indicat sa se stie ce eventuale probleme pot crea cookie-urile. Pentru ca prin intermediul lor se transmit in mod constant in ambele sensuri informatii intre browser si website, daca un atacator sau persoana neautorizata intervine in parcursul de transmitere a datelor, informatiile continute de cookie pot fi interceptate. Desi foarte rar, acest lucru se poate intampla daca browserul se conecteaza la server folosind o retea necriptata (ex: o retea WiFi nesecurizata).Alte atacuri bazate pe cookie implica setari gresite ale cookieurilor pe servere. Daca un website nu solicita browserului sa foloseasca doar canale criptate, atacatorii pot folosi aceasta vulnerabilitate pentru a pacali browserele in a trimite informatii prin intermediul canalelor nesecurizate. Atacatorii utilizeaza apoi informatiile in scopuri de a accesa neautorizat anumite site-uri. Este foarte important sa fiti atenti in alegerea metodei celei mai potrivite de protectie a informatiilor personale.
Tips for safe and responsible browsing, based on cookies
Due to their flexibility and the fact that most of the most visited and largest sites use cookies, they are almost unavoidable. Deactivating cookies will not allow the user access to the most widespread and used sites, including YouTube, Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo and others. Here are some tips that can ensure that you are safe without worries but with the help of cookies: Customize your browser settings regarding cookies to reflect a comfortable level of security for the use of cookies. If you do not mind cookies -s and you are the only person using the computer, you can set long expiration periods for storing browsing history and personal access data.
• If you share access to the computer, you can consider setting your browser to delete individual browsing data from each when you close the browser. This is an option to access the sites that place cookies and to delete any visit information when the browsing session is closed.
• Install antispyware applications and update them constantly. Many of the spyware detection and prevention applications to include the detection of attacks on websites. Thus, it prevents the browser from accessing websites that could exploit the vulnerabilities of the browser or download dangerous software. Make sure your browser is always updated. Many of the attacks based on cookies are carried out by exploiting the weak points of old versions of browsers. Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if you want to enjoy access to the most popular sites on the Internet. With a clear understanding of how they operate and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so that you can surf the Internet with confidence.
How can I stop cookies?
It is possible to configure the browser so that these cookies are no longer accepted or you can configure the browser to accept cookies only from a specific site. All modern browsers offer the possibility to configure cookie storage preferences. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. To understand these settings, you can use the "help" option of the browser for more details.